A well-defined jawline structure is the cornerstone of a balanced attractive face, male or female. By placing a custom-fit chin implant, a skilled cosmetic surgeon can add strength to a weak or recessed chin, improving facial harmony.
Chin enhancement surgery, also called genioplasty, improves contours of the chin, neck and jawline. Typically, surgery involves placement of an implant around a patient’s existing chin bone to augment the size and shape of the chin and achieve a more naturally attractive balance between facial features. When performed by a qualified, experienced cosmetic surgeon, chin enhancement can provide a permanent solution to improve a weak or recessed chin.
Specifically, chin augmentation can:
- Improve facial harmony by bringing chin into better proportion with other features
- Correct a weak or recessed chin
- Improve definition of the neck and jawline
- Help reduce the appearance of a full or “double” chin caused by a small chin bone